Série: -
Autor: Goree Ramarui
Data de Leitura: 01/04/2023 ⮞ 25/04/2023
Classificação: ⭐⭐⭐
Palauans are extremely fond of "style" that certain something that sets them apart from the mass. Teachers from other countries have conducted workshops in this country. This has improved, the quality of the handicrafts but basic "style" of the traditional crafts has remained definitely Palauan.
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Mais uma voltinha. Desta vez a Palau, um país que desconhecia mas que pelas imagens encontradas parece um paraíso.
Quando pensei que seria impossível ler algo de Palau, a internet fez um dos seus "milagres" e enviaram-me um PDF com esta pequena coleção, que tem apenas 22 páginas - versão condensada - de nada menos do que 30 contos populares e lendas. Mesmo as histórias mais simples são muito agradáveis. O livro começa com a apresentação do artesanato tradicional de Palau e termina com os contos.
There are many styles of coral or sea Shell necklaces, earings, and bracelets. Most popular are pieces made of turtle shell. Aside from the items mentioned are hair combs, watchbands, hairpins, belts, moneyclips and shoehorns all made of this shell.
The species of turtle whose shell is used is endangered; therefore, no item of this material can legally enter the U.S. territory.
The price for a shell article is set by the amount of shell used, time and difficulty of labor. The darker pieces are from older turtles and tend to be ticker than lighter pieces.
A female demigod, Dirachedebsungel, was rewarded for teaching Paulauans how to grow taro by the gift of a magic beadfruit tree.
The tree had a hollow trunk and a broken limb through whic each ocean swell forced numbers of fish into her yard. Neighbors soon became jealous of her constant fish supply and cut down the tree, causing the entire island to be flooded. The woman demigod was the only one saved from the flood. She moved on, married, and raised four sons who founded the villages of Melekeok, Koror, Aimeliik and Ngeremlengui.