Título: The Fisherman King
Série: -
Autor: Kathrina Mohd Daud
Data de Leitura: 01/04/2024 ⮞ 20/04/2024
Classificação: ⭐⭐⭐
Eight years ago, Lisan the fisherman, who has always believed he was descended from royalty, left his wife and the Water Village. Now he’s back, and he says he can prove it. Six hundred years ago, a forbidden relationship between the royal children of Brunei set into motion a chain of events that will end with the death of a king...or the death of a god. As the story of Lisan’s true intentions – and what he was really doing in those years away – unravels, the story of those doomed royal children also spins to its inevitable conclusion.
Minha review no GoodReads
We are taught in school how old Brunei is. How much history we have. But the details of that history, like the details of our sultans, are carefully glossed over. Few people have any idea of the scope of our land and tradition and memory. It’s not surprising. How can you take in and comprehend centuries of change and flux all linked back to a core that is something as fickle as water? Human memory is a funny and fragile thing. That’s why we leave things behind—buildings, carvings, sculptures, jewels, stories—to tell people that we were once here. Because we know that when we don’t leave things behind, we forget. And then we are doomed to start afresh, to learn afresh, wasting so much time…
Mitos - Impérios perdidos – História – Encantamentos – Odisseias Pessoais
O tema subjacente é o amor; amor pela pátria, por uma entidade superior e, não menos importante, o amor entre um homem e uma mulher que se unem na luta pela restauração da paz e da prosperidade no seu lar.